Tuesday, April 10, 2012

pizza hut man

       He was trying to get back on himself back on his feet.  That's how his counselor had put it. "One step at a time, get yourself back on your feet."  He appreciated the help getting off the booze.  He missed his wife and kids, but they'd been gone so many years, he wouldn't even know where to find them.  He appreciated the job holding the pizza sign on Main St.  He got to see a lot of people.  It helped him to feel part of things again.  "One step at a time" .Each person that responded to his hello ws one small step.

    On a Tuesday, he said hello to a young mother walking her two children back from school.  She did not respond.  It reminded him of his wife and children.  He watched the children walk along with their mother for the entire length of the block, smiling a rememberance smile.  The mother looked back, but did not smile.  Fifteen minutes later the police came and took him to the station and questioned him, rude questions about sex.  He brought the sign back to the Pizza store.  They took the sign and paid him 30 dollars for the day and told him his services were no longer required.